Most of you that actually read this blog already know parts, if not most of this story, but since it's been 4 years, I think its about time to document it... for posterity's sake. Four years ago today, We had lived in Maryland for a little over a year and Chad was a couple months into his 2nd year of dental school. On this particular Saturday morning there was a fun, and "harmless" intramural flag football game. Chad played on a team with some other guys in his class, and this day they were playing the 1st year dental school team (i.e. very important game). During one of the plays, Chad was on defense and was rushing the quarterback from the corner. Another guy on his team was doing the same from the other side. The quarterback stepped forward just as Chad and the other defender were diving, full speed for the quarterback's flag. Their heads hit with full force, and after a loud "crack", both were on the ground. I ran over to find Chad, a little out of it, with what looked like it was going to be a pretty big black eye, a little cut above his eye, a concussion, and a broken tooth (which all the dental students were, of course the most worried about). Chad blacked out one more time after that, so we decided to drive both guys to the hospital which was just down the street. Upon examination, and xrays, the doctors started to seem a little more nervous since they could not get any pupil reaction or movement out of Chad's left eye. The xrays showed that Chad had fractured the whole orbit of his eye (bones all around the eyeball), with some fractures going further back into his scull. They decided to rush us to Shock Trauma, at the University of Maryland since things were a little more complicated than originally assumed. Some of Chad's friends came and gave him a blessing before we were transferred, and I had to make the horrendous phone calls to both of our parents. It was a rough night at shock trauma. Chad's cut was stitched up and then they started tests and more tests. They were concerned about a little brain hemorrhage, nerve function, fractures, etc. etc. We were in the trauma center for 5 days. I slept on a cot right next to Chad, and we had visitors and phone calls constantly, which was great. Chad's dad flew in during our last day at the hospital which was so so wonderful. All in all, they called Chad's condition "superior orbital fissure syndrome". When the bones broke in his face, something hit the nerve bundle and damaged most of the nerves near his eye. He could still see out of it, but due to nerve damage, he couldn't open his eye, or move it at all. The eye was fixed and dilated. Some how the bones were all enough in place though, that they couldn't warrant going in surgically to do anything else. So we went home with some hopes, but hearing from the doctors that it would never be back 100%, if it even improves at all. Nerves are funny, its just a waiting game. Chad was seeing a specialist at Johns Hopkins, and finishing up the semester of dental school, trying to see if that was going to be do-able. 2 months later, Chad randomly could open his eye, and about a month after that, we started to see a little movement from the eye. Little by little things were starting to come back, but the double vision was a huge problem for being a dentist. Chad was given the option to transfer over to Pharmacy school to get his PharmD. After looking into this option, we felt that this was going to be best for Chad, as he would have to struggle with his eye every day of being a dentist. So, the following fall, Chad started Pharmacy school, and our 4 years in Maryland turned to 6. Now, with only a few months left, the time has really gone by fast. If you look at Chad today, you can't tell that anything is wrong. He still has some double vision, but he drives, plays sports, reads, etc. just fine. Chad loves Pharmacy and wonders why he didn't look further into doing this as a profession years ago. This whole experience really made us realize that things aren't always in our hands or our control. Sometimes the Lord has funny ways of paving the road before you, but in the end it's all for our growth and progression. I learned so much from Chad through the long healing process... he was always so optimistic and positive. I love you and look up to you so much babe. And, by the way, flag football is more brutal than you would think :)
That picture was taken when we were home from the hospital, about a week after it all happened.
What great examples you are - enduring a difficult trial. We are just grateful we got to keep you SIX years instead of four. How we will miss you when you leave!
The only reason that game was so brutal was because the quarterback was so athletic and elusive! Thanks for writing out the story. It's a great testimony builder about how the Lord looks out for us. Enjoy your last bit in Maryland. We already miss much of it.
I can't imagine Chad not being optimistic. What a story! Having played both flag football and tackle football (with pads/helmet) I can wholeheartedly state that flag football is more dangerous. We're just glad that things worked out after all. It could be worse, he could have ended up teaching middle school or something! (; I'm still waiting for that phone call Chad.
Oh my gosh that looks so horrible! But it is a great story. It is definitely crazy how things somehow always turn out for the best, especially when you don't think it possibly could. What an awesome guy to be so optimistic throughout all that!!!
I got all anxious reading about it. I remember when Eric got the phone call four years ago, I'd never seen him as worried as he was that day. You and Chad are so awesome. We love you guys. That accident really could have been a lot worse.
Congrats to being so close to the end Chad. Now you guys can move closer.
Great story that I've never completely heard. Glad to have him in the field of pharmacy. Only a few short months man!
I've never heard any complaints from Chad. Good guy. We're glad you guys stuck around here a few more years. Got another one in you?
You guys are the best!! I can't even imgaine Maryland without you. Not cool. And dentists aren't that cool anyway. ;) Although I guess they can prescribe some of the good stuff.
I got the sickest feeling when I was reading this! That was the scariest day of our lives. I knew the "anniversary" day was close, but didn't know the exact day. I was just telling my new friend (yes, I made one) about it on Wed. No one could've handled this challenge as well as you two did. I'm so grateful for you example and influence in my life. I love you both (all 3) so much!
I was looking at pics from isaac's first birthday that had you and chad in them and remembering that whole situation. It was so scary, but everything has turned out so well. We miss you guys!!
That's a good story. I'm totally going to use it one of my lessons in the future. And that is awesome he is almost done.
One day in Baltimore that Brandon and I will never forget. It's not often that you get to spend Saturday night in shock trauma in downtown Baltimore. We're still so relieved that things worked out the way they did and so glad that Chad enjoys pharmacy. We love you guys!
oh my gosh i didn't know that happened. how crazy! i am so glad that he is ok. isn't it just crazy how your life can just be completely flipped upside down in a second! thanks for the story i always love happy endings!
Holy cow, I didn't know anything about this... crazy story. It's amazing how quickly your life can change... in just a split second. SO glad that he is doing good now, and that you are almost DONE with school! Hooray!
I remember when my mom told me about this. You guys were in our prayers. So glad everything worked out for the best!
So...just as you guys probably remember that day, every year it crosses my mind as well. i'll never forget the moment when all us wives were scanning the field for our husbands. you and i both realized at the same time that it was our guys that were down. the events from that moment on are still vivid in my mind. it's amazing the challenges that we face, and i will always remember how amazing you two were through the entire ordeal. a huge example to all of us. miss you guys tons!
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