Wednesday, February 6, 2008

3 weeks old

Parker continues to be such a joy. He is so fun to watch, I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He eats all the time and is starting to fill out in his face, tummy and thighs... so cute. Chad and I just can't get enough of this little guy.


Carissa, Brandon, Carly, & Tyler said...

Em! I love the pictures. That is one thing I never did with Carly were the naked pics! Thanks for all the pics. It makes us feel as if we're there watching him grow too!

jami said...

he looks so cute and tiny. I love the tiny baby stage, but it doesn't seem to last very long.

The Drawes said...

We can't get enough either!!! I LOVE HIM!!

Tristina said...

Ok - those pictures are too cute!! I esp. love the one of his little feet. Did you take them? If so, I think you found a new talent!

Eric, Sammy, & Kami said...

He is SO beautiful - he looks like the happiest little guy in the world.

dave+candace said...

so cute! good work mom! call me...i have a funny story.

The Randall Family said...

This is Michelle Randall (formally Green) I just barely started a blog for my family and I got your blog address from Katey's page. Parker is so incredibly handsome you guys. Congratulations. We are so happy for you. We moved to Boise in December and we seriously love it here. If you guys are still playing with the idea of moving out here - do it! LOL! Really though, congratulations to both of you. You are going to be wonderful parents and you sure have a cute family. I'll add you guys to our friends and family list on our blog!

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

Hi Emily and Chad (and Parker!)-
Hopefully you remember us from Sophomore year at BYU (Liberty Square ward!) and you won't think this is some stranger commenting on your blog! I found your blog site from Steve & Amanda McMinn's... hope you don't mind. Parker is an absolutely beautiful baby... and you guys are going to be the most amazing parents! I'll be looking forward to seeing more pics as he grows!
-Jennae (Tengberg) Porter =)

Melissa said...

So fun...he is so adorable!

Joel and Teri's Place said...

Can't wait to get out there and tickle those little feet!!He is so cute!!!!

Luxury Motors Direct said...

He is really cute. Rachel and I want to see him in real life!

The Chase's said...

Parker is the cutest baby. Congrats! They are so much fun but grow up way too fast. Before you know it you'll have two!

Steve and Amanda said...

I am so glad that you are enjoying your little boy. THey get so big so fast. We miss you too!

The Randall Family said...

We made our blog private today and we want to get you guys an invite. Can you email me your email address so we can send you one? Just email me at : )