We went to the hospital Tuesday night when my contractions were 5 minutes apart for 2 hours. I was only dilated to a 2, so they made us walk around the hospital for an hour and a half... I was still a 2, so they sent us home with a sleeping pill for me. The contractions weren't that painful, so we were disappointed, but not in too much pain. Wednesday morning I woke up and my contractions were about 3 minutes apart, we waited until noon, and went back to the hospital, hoping we would get to stay this time. I was a "3+", so they admitted us!!! We got into our room around 2:00. They broke my water and I wanted to endure for a while with some contractions to make the most of the experience... not too much fun, but in between was great. I got my epidural at around 3:30, I was dilated to a 5. Then Chad and I just hung out. It was so fun and exciting, anticipating the new arrival. An hour and a half later I was a 10. We were totally shocked that this was all sneaking up on us so quickly. I ended up pushing for about an hour and a half because the baby was posterior (face up). My doctor seemed pretty impressed that I got him out facing that way in only 90 minutes. Who knows? Anyways, Parker is absolutely beautiful and perfect. I love being a mom, and I feel totally great! Park eats well, and is the most content little guy ever. He never cries and loves to stretch his arms and legs straight out and look all around at everyone all the time. We came home on Friday at noon, and its great to be here with him. This whole thing is so much fun. I have seriously loved every second of the whole process. My favorite moments so far have been after a late night feeding, when Park is wide awake and just staring at me with his big eyes. I cry every night when Parker and I just stare at eachother and I wonder how I could have ever lived without this beautiful little miracle in my life. Sorry this blog is so long. Here are a few more pictures from the hospital.

EM he is so cute!!!! He's perfect!
I am glad everything went well. You guys are naturals! Being a mom really is the most incredible thing in the world, huh!
Congrats. We are so excited for you guys.
How fun! I'm so excited for you to be a real mom! I'm glad to hear everything went well. Congratulations!!
he is so cute!!!! i have been checking your blog like everyday to see if he was here yet! i am so happy you loved the whole experience, i feel the same way. i think about it all the time. being a mom is the absolute BEST!
The whole experience its a miracle!! I wish everyone could feel the joy and happiness that comes from bringing a new little spirit into this world! The make your life so full!! Congrats again, he is perfect!!
Hello tiny little basketball belly! Which by the way is such a compliment! I am pregnant with my third and I already look like that! Im only 6.5 months! You are so cute. im glad we found each other
Your little parker is soooo dang cute. we are so excited to have a boy! If you have any boy advise, please Share! talk to you soon
Stephanie Taylor (heidis sis)
Congratulations on your new little guy. What a cutie!
He's so cute! Well done! I think he looks exactly like a Burnham! And Parker is such a cute name! Congrats!!
Wow! SO cute! Congratulations!
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