Friday, May 1, 2009

Maid Service

Who needs to clean when this guy is around? The broom has become his favorite toy, just ahead of the vacuum

Parker's rules to sweeping:
1. You are most efficient at bedtime, dressed in pajamas
2. Never let go of the dust pan, even if you never use it
3. Singing "clean up, clean up" makes you clean faster
4. One spot may need all the cleaning.... no need to move around the house


Deon said...

Cute! When Brian was about 3 we bought him a little broom because he did the same thing. It became his favorite sword, gun, bow, - oh, and he did sweep with it once in a while! And, looks like you have quite the gorgeous bathroom here - lucky dogs! We miss you!

Cori Henderson said...

Cute! I love it!, what a cute little guy.

Lacey said...

i was thinking about you and your little fam the other day. I can't tell you how adorable parker is, well you already know. He is so cute! Halle is the same way with the broom, except she likes to push around my pile i have just swept up. Anyway i hope you are doing well! Miss ya and love ya!

Tia Zwick said...

CUTE!!!! I wish I could've seen this while I was there! I can't wait until wednesday to tend the little man!

Angela Hill said...

can he come to my house next?

winston and jillyn egan said...

I love it:) and your house looks so nice!

Nate and Lori said...

Your house looks amazing! I love the cabinets. Parker is so cute! And really Emily...where are the belly shots?