Sorry it's been a while since my last post. We have been pretty busy. We were able to fly out to California last weekend to spend time with Chad's family. We had such a great time, and had a pretty full schedule while we were there, which began with In n' Out burgers on our way home from the airport. On Saturday we had a great baby shower thrown for us and got some really good stuff. What a blast! Chad's brother Josh goes on a mission on October 24th and we were so glad that we could spend some time with him and attend his farewell talk at church on Sunday. Sunday was filled with seeing lots of friends and family all day. One of the highlights of the trip was being able to meet our newest little niece Kenna, who was just a couple of weeks old. She is so dang cute. It was a great trip, and like always, not long enough. Thanks Burnhams for making last weekend one to remember! Here are some family photos that we had taken while we were there.
The pregnancy is going great. I am now 25 weeks along YAY! So, that's about 6 months and I feel great. Our little boy moves and kicks non stop like a little crazy man... I don't know what I'm in for! According to the doctors, he is growing beautifully and the lady that did my ultrasound this week said he has just about the chubbiest cheeks she has ever seen on a 24 weeker. You could literally see his HUGE cheeks on the screen. I just love this little guy already and can't wait to actually meet him!
Are you seriously even pregnant. You look way too good for 6 months. I think I need to call you right now! Call me back if you don't answer!
It is so true boys are SO active...thats how I felt with my little boy from 17 weeks and still going, they never stops moving!! And my little girl hardly moves at all!! Your little guy will for sure keep you busy for a long time!! They are so much fun!!
This is Chad... Honey you forgot to mention the biggest highlight of the trip. PRISON BREAK SEASON 1!!!!!!! Watched the whole thing in 3 days. Well, more like 3 nights. Greatest show ever. Well, next to the Office of course.
Oh sista, I know all about activity in the tummy. Luc was a mover! I was so worried that he would never sleep and never stop.
Well half came true...the boy never slows down but is a great sleeper! You are in for a treat! I can't wait to see your little boy. It's so fun to me a mom!
Emily, yo its your old friend jami!! I can't believe your prego! congrats. I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi.
love the family picture! be sure to share the latest mommy goodies your getting at the baby showers... i love seeing the fun finds and latest mommy gear!
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