Saturday, March 28, 2009

We are still alive!!!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately! We have been so busy! I just updated the blog with like 8 new posts, so if anyone out there still checks out our blog... enjoy!

All grown up

Parker is getting so big and seems to be really growing up quick. He just turned 14 months and is finally running all over the place. Our little perfectionist had to wait until he had the walking thing completely figured out in his head before he would show us his skills. One night, at Lake Mead, he just stood up and started walking around the deck. He is so proud that he can walk and thinks that he is such a big boy. Everyday he is learning new words. I love watching him learn and figure out new things. His favorite activity lately is pretending to drive the car. All day he asks if he can go out and do it "I dive?" He continues to be so animated all the time and such a joy to be around! We love you Park!

Parker's new cousin, Katey

I love being near family! My sister, Andrea had her baby on March 24th. She is so cute and we are all in love with her. They named her Katelyn Jane Fredric. Welcome to the world little Katey!!!